











在库库淖尔以北,默勒河两岸和祁连山的南麓,我采访过的“那可儿”老朋友们大半已经去世,当年采访时我曾承诺要把口述整理成书后一定要送他们。如今,我把不多的一些书送给了这里零零落落的几个故交旧友了。而在祁连山北麓的尧熬尔群山草原上呢?我采访过的人中还有多少“那可儿”,还有多少当年采访过的故人在世呢?我只知道先后到了那个彼岸世界的一串名字:罗布桑皂巴、罗布藏土尔旦、瓦什、林木措、秦道尔吉、藏木拉尔琪、赛布宗琪、仁青卓玛、仁青琦、赛尔藏、叶勒其格塔克、德力格尔、巴特巴斯、诺欧恩、王荫桐 ……我还能见到几个曾经采访过的旧交?不管怎样,这是我要践行的诺言,因为我相信自己是大地上所有人的“那可儿”,而地球上的人都应该是“那可儿”。



2004年初夏的一天,当乌鲁·萨格斯问起我的口述史曾受到哪些人的启发时,我给他拿出了《锌皮娃娃兵》和《切尔诺贝利的祈祷》(乌兰汗、田大畏译,昆仑出版社1999年出版)书的扉页有作者斯维特兰娜·阿列克谢耶维奇(Svetlana Alexievich)的速写肖像,映入眼帘的是作者那一双为他者的苦难熬过不眠之夜的眼睛,疲惫而苍凉。画家几笔就画出了她的心情。我最早读过她的一本书是《战争中没有女性》,时间大概是1987年。我感觉她和一切描写战争的作家不同,不同在哪里,当时我还没有深入思考。后来在张掖或是兰州的书店碰到她的《锌皮娃娃兵》和《切尔诺贝利的祈祷》,读了几页后我就明白了,我的心灵和阿列克谢耶维奇的心灵走得很近。当时我把我在祁连山南北的调查整理成的一些初稿也叫做“文献文学”,直到后来乌鲁·萨克斯帮助我学习了一些口述史的方法,就努力按口述史的方法去做。

许多年里,我除了读亚力山大·索尔仁尼琴(Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn)和瓦尔兰·沙拉莫夫(Variam Shalamov)文字以外,斯维特兰娜·阿列克谢耶维奇和张承志无疑是我精神上更重要的“那可儿”。





All of us should be Nökür


ZongwulongMountAinin the middle of Qilian Mountain at thenorth-east edge of Tibetan plateau, on 14th, September 2015.

We stopped for talking andtaking view on mountains now and then when our car driving in the silentvalley, cliff made of limestone and cypress standing on mountains around. Oneor two eagles flied over the high rock in wind in autumn. Flickering cypress ,murmuring of wind and spring and hissing of eagle’s wings were full around us.Nomads in this area had moved to the place for autumn and herds were eating thegreen grass around the tents. Mr. Zhang told me about the people and stories hemet in grassland of Inner Asia, he also talked about his great Eji who sufferedso much. Our voice and the sound of Annudala’s camera made the valley spacious. 

He took me his own calligraphyfrom Beijingwritten Qilian split the land with the black lake over it. We are Nökür andcould make friend between mountain and sea. The word Nökür in the calligraphywas written in Mongolian means friend, partner and like-minded people. It couldbe explained that everyone should be friends.

In Mongolian and Yugur language,Kukunur means blue lake,  Xaranur meansblack lake, it’s the Xala lake at the foot of Qilian mountain and it is about400-500 kilometers apart from Qinghai lake and also littler than it.

We came here for meeting brotherZhang, and when Anudakla and I left him, we decided to visit my Nakers----thenomads I interviewed 14 years ago on our way back. Everything in this trip issignificant. It was at nightfall when the train arrived in Haiyan County.The little brother of Ongqing Tsandancame to meetus and he drove us to the hotel. I went to visit Mr. Tsaibao----the grandson ofthe prince of Beileqi taking my book of oral history after laid down the luggagein hotel.  Mr. Tsaibao was waiting for mebeside the road. The handsome guy was old and fat with his hair white. Wetalked in his narrow low-rent house  andhe said :It made me feel easy after I told you my story thatyear…….His exclamation was miserable and distressed.  His wife gave us fresh butter, cheese, sugar,zanba and hot milk tea. I gave him my book of oral history with blue frontcover. He told me that the old doctor Nipo in Zhazang temple and Mr. Niebutengwho was the vice magistrate head  of Qilian Countywere all dead. Mr. Qiushijiang moved to Xining…….

We took a bus the next daypassing the Mole grassland. The old Mongolian name of the grassland was‘Wulanmuren’, means red river. Now, it was called MoleRiver and the lower reaches of itnamed Datong Riveris one tributary of Yellow River. I can seewhite tents beside the road, shepherdess milking yaks beside the canvas tentand nomads driving cattle. Sheep and manada was here and there. Audala’s camerabegan to work when sun rose. Cool wind blew over the grassland. Grasslandalways makes us unquiet. When we arrived in QilianCounty, the holy Neman Erdeny Mountain was covered bywhite snow. The mountain had other name like NiuxinMountain, Babao Mountainand it’s Tibetan name is Amnidongsuo. I called Mr. Duojie and he told me thatmost of the old I interviewed many years ago were dead. They are Shali, Majami,Jabsang Ongre, the old Buddhist monk in Darlong, Sabel, Dandougou and so on.

I felt Mr. Duojie was uncalm atthat moment although he is an indifferent man.

We visited the old monk Luobudanat dusk and his wife waited us at the door. The little old lady wearing a whitehat with her legs lame led us went upstairs. Mr. Luobudan was blind with hissunken eyes in thin face. How did they go through these years after hischildren became older and older and his grandsons grow bigger and bigger? Thewhite Qilan Mountain and the grassland wentexperienced the same thing.   

The blind Luobudan touched thebook I gave him delightedly, he could see nothing. The old lady turned pageafter page delightedly. His son Gonbu came from pasture also put the bookalthough he could recognize few Chinese wards. The topic we talked from Haiyan Countyto Qilian County was also the story about what thenomads had suffered during 1958-1959. Luobudan said Mr. Luobuzang lived not faraway. He was 80 years old now and his wife was paralysis taken care of by hischildren in turn.

We were saying good-bye afterhad mutton and dumpling. Mr. Luobudan stood up wearing his duck-red kasaya. Heturned to Anudala and I. Could we meet again? Maybe it’s the last meet for us.We told him we will visit him again and said good-bye confusedly. We went outand found it was raining slowly under the orange light of lamp in the street ofQilian County. Cars and walking man passed nowand then.

Most of the Nakers I interviewedwere dead in the north of Kukunur, the riverside of MoleRiver and the southern slope of Qilian Mountain.I had promised them I will give each of them one book of oral history after Ifinish it, but now I just found a few of them. How about my old friends inYugur in the northern slope of Qilian Mountain? I knew many ofthem had passed away. They were Luobuzangzaoba, Luobuzangturdan, Washi,Linmcuo, Qindaorji, Zangmulaerqi, Saibuzongqi, Renqenzhaoma, Renqenqi,Saierzang, Yeleqigetake, Deliger, Batebasi, Nuoouen, Wangyintong and so on. Howmany Nakers I interviewed I can meet again? No matter how, I will make good mypromises because I believe myself is the Nakers of all human on the land andhuman should be Nakers.

We had deep conversation from the last years of thelast century. Wulu and I were in that silent and clean town in thenorthern slope of Qilian Mountain.There stand many mountains and valleys as the north-east parclose of Tibetanhighland.The Neman Riverwas running outside of my window when we talked. Most of our topics are aboutethnic group, grassland, history and his new find in anthropology study.

How lucky it is that I have my native Naker—Wulu·Sagas who can give me advices and remind me of mydirection. Wulu is a young scholar and writer from Sagas tribe of Yugur.

When Wulu asked me who influenced me to write theoral history on one day at the beginning of the summer in 2004, I took out thebook Zinc-Covered Boys and Chernobyl Prayer . There is portrait sketch of thewriter on the title page of the book. Her eyes were full of trace of sleeplessnights suffered by others’ suffering and the painter grasped it. I read her WarDoes Not Have a Woman's Face in 1987 and found she was different from otherwriters who write about war, but I couldn’t recognize the difference at thattime. I found Zinc-Covered Boys and Chernobyl Prayer written by her few yearslater in Zhangye and Lanzhou.I found our hearts are close after read few pages. I called my first draftabout the investigation from Qilian Mountain Literature Document. I began towrite as oral history after I studied method of oral history with the help of Wulu·Sagas. Beside Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn andVariam  Shalamov, Svetlana Alexievich andZhang Chengzhi are my Nökür in spirit.

The oral history book waspublished by Soynbu publishing house in Mongolia planned by Oirat·Anudala in March 2015. This timeit will be republished in Mongolia again with the great expectation of sisterXimurong from Taiwan. Altantoya translated postscript for republishing intoEnglish and Mr. Enhibolide translated it into Kiril Mongolian.


On 22 October2015In Golstan Study

